Saturday 13 July 2013

Tuna "Stove Top" Casserole

Soo I have absolutely no idea how to start one of these blog things. I'm really just a semi-broke student from Canada who likes to smoke pot and get naked. I'm a pretty easy going person and decided to create this food blog to help other foodies, bakers and smokers with delicious recipes that are easy and quick to make. I also have an interest in "curing your munchies", hence the title. :) 

I've been in Amsterdam for the past month and one thing I've been stuck with this entire time is a stove top. No oven, no toaster, no microwave, no grill....literally just a stove top. Which at first probably doesn't seem that bad but as a smoker it makes it really pricey and quite annoying to have to run to the store everyday and dish out 3.00 EUROS for a box of Oreo cookies my fiancé and I will surely get through within 10 minutes. The benefits however are learning how to use alternative methods to cook things and make them taste like slow cooker meals minus the time and the proper equipment (but I'm still missing my damn oven).

I've been making these casseroles the past few days since you can do them on your stove top entirely and they taste like the tuna casseroles my mom used to make for us as a kid. :)
Removing the tuna will make it veggie friendly!
All ingredients should be altered to your liking. If you like carrots add more of them :P 
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 1/2 can of tuna (optional)
  • 2 green onion stalks
  • 1/2 block of diced tofu 
  • Fusili pasta (however much)
  • Grated cheese (any type)
  • Salt 
  • Paprika
  • Oregano
  • Basil, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme mix 
  • Oil for frying

 To start, boil water in a pot for the carrots and use a non stick spray or cooking oil to lightly glaze another pan. Let the large pan heat up on a low-medium setting so your tofu does not burn when you throw it onto the pan. Also, ignore my dirty stove, cooking high gets messy :(

Once the pot has heated up, add your carrots to the pot and let boil until a soft texture is achieved.

 While your carrots are boiling, dice up your tofu and green onions and add them to your oiled pan. You can choose to throw your green onions into the pan at this time with your tofu or wait until after you have added your pasta to the mixture so they don't burn!

After throwing together your green onions and tofu, cook tofu until golden brown or to suit your liking.

 Next I took my boiled carrots, diced them and added them to my pan with the tofu and green onions. To season the mixture, I added salt to taste, two pinches of paprika, one pinch of oregano and one pinch of my spice blend mix.

Boil another pot of water for your noodles. Once boiled, add as many fusili noodles as you desire while continuing to cook your pan veggie mixture on LOW heat (essentially a simmer). Once your pasta has boiled, drain it and add it to your previous mixture, stirring together your carrots and other vegg with the pasta. Spice again and taste, adding more salt and paprika especially.
*Don't worry if you just taste the paprika spice now, the tuna and cheese will mask some of the strong taste!

This is where my photos might get a little weird. My fiancé is a vegetarian but I am not, so I divided the pan of pasta and veggies into two pans and kept both of them on low heat. The veggie pan is done now, the only ingredient left to add is cheese. The TUNA CASSEROLE needs tuna :P Add half a can of tuna (preference) to your mix and stir in well. Taste here to see if spices are correct.

Once mixing in your tuna, grab your cheese, however much you want keeping in mind the mixture will be melted and thrown together and add a relatively thin layer over the two still heated pans. Keep the temperatures at a medium-low, making sure not to burn your pasta. To melt cheese properly, spread out your pasta and veg evenly and thinly across the pan before sprinkling cheese on top. This distributes the cheese evenly.

Once melted, scoop and serve! 

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